Travelling 2 - 29 July 2019, 14:57
UI introduces youth suicide prevention program
Travelling 2 - 28 July 2019, 01:13
Komodo Island to be developed into fancy tourist attraction
Travelling 2 - 24 June 2019, 15:18
Raja Ampat organizes training for dive guides
Travelling 2 - 20 June 2019, 12:19
142 rare orchids planted in Bangka Belitung for preservation
Travelling 2 - 18 June 2019, 10:41
Batubulan, a village renowned fot its historic culture
Travelling 2 - 17 May 2019, 16:01
Mantari Bondar, a tradition to conserve water and forest
Travelling 2 - 12 May 2019, 15:00
Bali to host world surfing championship
Travelling 2 - 01 May 2019, 08:48
When Padang food dragged into Indonesia's election
Travelling 2 - 29 April 2019, 12:34
Kuningan will hold an International Angklung Festival
Travelling 2 - 21 January 2019, 18:40
Only Komodo Island to be closed to tourist: NTT Governor
Travelling 2 - 12 January 2019, 02:30
Indonesia ranks 9th as safest country for tourism
Travelling 2 - 20 December 2018, 22:13
Sabang becomes world's cruise tour destination
Travelling 2 - 05 December 2018, 20:30
Bali receives three Australian Family Tourism Award
Travelling 2 - 01 December 2018, 04:00
Banyuwangi designated as national geopark
Travelling 2 - 19 November 2018, 08:06
Surabaya designates old city as tourist destination
Travelling 2 - 05 November 2018, 10:47
Tour de Singkarak starts from Bukittinggi on Sunday
Travelling 2 - 01 November 2018, 14:15
Tidore to have special port for cruise ship
Travelling 2 - 29 October 2018, 23:51
Minister confident of Belitung's nomadic tourism potentials
Travelling 2 - 29 October 2018, 01:30
2018 Tour de Prambanan promotes Sleman tourism
Travelling 2 - 28 October 2018, 23:30
Jokowi opens fifth Keraton Festival in Sumenep
Travelling 2 - 28 October 2018, 18:30
Six countries to participate in Malay Art Feast in Batam
Travelling 2 - 26 October 2018, 18:44
70 yachts to participate in Wonderful Sail Bintan
Travelling 2 - 26 October 2018, 16:12
Lonely Planet lists Indonesia among top 10 destinations
Travelling 2 - 21 October 2018, 05:49
Tour de Singkarak track extended
Travelling 2 - 18 October 2018, 15:02
15 countries to participate in Nusantara Batik Week
Travelling 2 - 27 September 2018, 20:00
Cyclists from 25 countries join Tour de Banyuwangi
Travelling 2 - 22 September 2018, 11:54
Lake Limboto Charm Festival sets off to spectacular start
Travelling 2 - 22 September 2018, 11:15
Arabic Bible in Early Egyptian Christianity
Travelling 2 - 12 September 2018, 19:29
Bengkulu holds 2018 Tabot Festival
Travelling 2 - 10 September 2018, 17:38
Sail Moyo Tambora evokes tourism in West Nusa Tenggara
Travelling 2 - 29 August 2018, 20:46
BPPD prepares measures to recover Lombok tourism
Travelling 2 - 20 August 2018, 09:38
14 countries to participate in Manado Fiesta 2018
Travelling 2 - 02 August 2018, 01:17
Soekarno-Hatta Airport provides capsule hotel
Travelling 2 - 16 July 2018, 17:46
Tour de Central Celebes 2018 listed in UCI calendar events
Travelling 2 - 05 July 2018, 10:00
2018 Tour de Flores to take place in September
Travelling 2 - 15 June 2018, 08:00
Let's vote online to determine Indonesia's best destination!
Travelling 2 - 15 June 2018, 07:09
Travel to Europe the Islamic way
Travelling 2 - 10 June 2018, 07:00
E Nusa Tenggara to hold sandalwood horse parade
Travelling 2 - 09 May 2018, 18:10
Cikembulan Animal Park's collection attracts tourists
Travelling 2 - 03 May 2018, 18:42
Indonesia promoting tourist destinations for vegetarians
Travelling 2 - 26 April 2018, 03:11
Makassar to popularize Rotterdam Fort through Culinary Night
Travelling 2 - 23 April 2018, 17:27
Komodo National Park bans fishermen entering diving sites
Travelling 2 - 22 April 2018, 07:40
Laser night show to boost foreign tourist visit to Tanah Lot
Travelling 2 - 16 April 2018, 16:27
Ciletuh officially declared as UNESCO Global Geopark
Travelling 2 - 10 April 2018, 20:35
"Halo" phenomenon witnessed in Yogyakarta