Kamis 01 Jan 2015 14:13 WIB

Growing number of Americans optimistic about New Year


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- A growing number of Americans are voicing optimism about the New Year, saying the year of 2015 will be a better one for them than this passing 2014, according to a new poll.

Nearly half of the respondents predicted that 2015 will be a better for them than 2014, while only one in ten thought it will be worse, a latest poll done by Associated Press-Times Square Alliance showed.

The latest poll, done between Dec. 12-14 among 1,017 people, also showed that Americans are slightly more likely than they were a year ago to believe that the current year was better than the last for the United States -- 30 percent of the respondents said so this year, while 25 percent said so in 2013.

"We believe it will be a lot more better in the new year," Jim Folay and Sue Folay, who are a couple visiting New York City from Monroe County of New York State. "We'd like to see more peace, health and love in our family, and we'd also like to see the world cooperate and to be brought closer with one another."

Tangredi Joni (50) from Rockland County of New York, is among many Americans who are calling for more peace and respect towards each other in the coming New Year.

"My wish is just to figure out (Americans) how to live together, and how to respect each other, and try to understand both sides of a story, and not just see it as black and white," she said. "I'm just tired of people separating themselves and being mean to each other, I wish there will be more kindness towards others."

She was echoed by 67-year-old Marion Lopez from Westchester County of New York. "What life is all about is we have to learn to live and accept each other," said Lopez, who expressed her wish for a peaceful new year. "Violence leads to more violence, I really wish people would stop seeing color and stop seeing nationalities and thinking someone is right, and someone is wrong. "

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