Sabtu 20 Oct 2012 23:22 WIB

Ex-Jakarta governor passes away

The former Jakarta governor, Wiyogo Atmodarminto, passes away and is laid in state at his residence in Jakarta on Friday night.
Foto: Antara/Wahyu Putro A
The former Jakarta governor, Wiyogo Atmodarminto, passes away and is laid in state at his residence in Jakarta on Friday night.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Former Jakarta governor Wiyogo Atmodarminto passed away at MMC Hospital on Friday night at the age of 90 years, according to a spokesman of the Jakarta administration. Wiyogo was laid in state at his residence on Jalan Banyumas No. 13 in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Head of the Public Information Section at the Jakarta Provincial Communication, Information and Public Relations Office Eko Hariadi said. 

Born in Yogyakarta on November 22, 1922, Wiyogo was commander of the Army`s Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad) from 1978 to 1980. He was later appointed Indonesian ambassador to Japan before assuming the post of Jakarta governor in 1992 for a five-year term.




sumber : Antara

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