Selasa 11 Nov 2014 17:54 WIB

West Papua's economic potential promoted in The Netherland

Map of Papuan and West Papuan provinces in Indonesia (red circle)
Map of Papuan and West Papuan provinces in Indonesia (red circle)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, THE HAGUE -- The Indonesian Embassy in The Hague and the West Papua Provincial Government organized a business meeting here to lure foreign investors to set up businesses in the province, stated a diplomat.

The Indonesian Embassy's First Secretary Danang Waskito informed Antara London on Tuesday (11/11) that the business meeting was attended by representatives of the business sector, including tour operators and Visit Indonesia Tourism Officer in the Netherlands.

Chaired by F.X. Kosamah, the third assistant of the West Papua Provincial Government, the meeting's participants discussed issues such as the local government's plan and readiness to facilitate investors in various sectors, including tourism and energy, he noted.

Kosamah hoped that investment and economic cooperation could be established as a result of this meeting for accelerating the development process and improving the people's welfare in West Papua.


In the meantime, the Indonesian Embassy's Charg? d'Affaires ad interim Witjaksono Adji conveyed the new government's commitment to accelerating the development of the eastern parts of Indonesia, including Papua and West Papua provinces.

West Papua Province's economic growth has exceeded the national rate, he stated, adding that the meeting was expected to boost economic cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

A video showcasing the popular marine tourism destination in Raja Ampat District was screened during the meeting.

sumber : Antara

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