Senin 11 Nov 2013 19:00 WIB

Wakatobi: An undersea paradise

Salah seorang penyelam menikmati keindahan bawah laut Wakatobi (ilustrasi)
Salah seorang penyelam menikmati keindahan bawah laut Wakatobi (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WANGIWANGI -- The territorial waters of Wakatobi in Southeast Sulawsesi was one of the locations where the British scientist Alfred Russel Wallace had conducted his fieldwork, an academician said.

"During Wallace's journey in the history of research, the Wakatobi waters was one of the places where he carried out his field work," Prof Sangkot Marzuki of the Indonesian Academy of Science said during a ceremony to recognize the 100th birthday of Wallace in Wakatobi district town of Wangiwangi on Sunday.

He said hundreds of scientists from various universities at home and abroad observed Wallace's 100th birthday on Sunday and were attending the Wallace International Seminar on Monday.

Besides, Sangkot noted that Wakatobi National Marine Park in Southeast Sulawesi has extensive biodiversity and UNESCO has named it a World's Biosphere Reserve.

Present at the Wallace International Seminar were scientists from Oxford University, Cambridge University, University of Indonesia, Hasanuddin University in Makassar and Haluoleo University in Kendari.

He added that the keynote speakers at the seminar were Wallace's grandson, Dr George C Wallace, in addition to former Environment Minister Emil Salim, and Chief of National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) Minister Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana.

Meanwhile, Wakatobi district head Hugua said the district administration has a concept to create an undersea paradise at the world coral triangle.

Hugua said such an undersea paradise would serve as a source to improve the welfare of the local community and as an attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists.

"The real undersea paradise will only be created if biodiversity throughout the Wakatobi National Marine Park will continue to be preserved and maintained," Hugua said.

The Wakatobi district head noted that politics and power could be changed, but the vision to build the district would remain unchanged forever.

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