REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LEBAK -- A 5.1 magnitude aftershock rocked Lebak regency, Banten on Wednesday (January 24) at 13.31 Western Indonesia Standard Time. Head of Earthquake and Tsunami Center of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Mochammad Riyadi said the epicenter located 72 kilometres Southwest Lebak with hipocenter of 42 meters and has no tsunami potential.
BMKG's shakemap showed aftershock was felt as far away as Cimandiri, Panggarangan-Lebak, Cikande-Serang, Ujung Genteng, Curug Kembar, Kota Sukabumi, Jakarta, Tangerang and Bekasi in intensity scale II SIG-BMKG (II-III MMI). Meanwhile, in Bogor, Cianjur, dan Depok felt the tremor in intensity sclae I SIG-BMKG (II MMI).

People gathered at refugees camp in Malasari village, Nanggung district, Bogor regency, West Java, on Wednesday afternoon. Residents were displaced following a strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake that jolted Lebak, Banten, on Tuesday.
"The southern Banten earthquake is classified as a shallow depth earthquake due to Indo-Australian subduction activity under the Eurasian Shelf, and the modeling results show that the earthquake is not a potential tsunami," Riyadi said.
Tagana in Lebak regency chairman, Aan Wiguna said people got panic when aftershock occurred. However, the duration of aftershock was shorter than previous one. "We asked people to keep calm and don't be panic," said Aan on Wednesday (January 24).

A house at Kampong Pangkalan, Padaasih village, Cisaat district, Sukabumi damaged by the tremor of earthquake that rocked Lebak, Banten, on Tuesday (January 23).
On Tuesday, a strong 6,4 magnitude earthquake struck off coast of Lebak. The tremor was felt as far away as Jakarta, which is 153 kilometres away and also in Tasikmalaya, West Java, some 366 kilometres from the epicenter.