Kamis 20 Jul 2017 01:00 WIB

Islam Nusantara gathering to be hold in London on Friday

Rep: Kamran Dikarma/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Nahdlatul Ulama
Foto: NU
Nahdlatul Ulama

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Indonesia Weekend Festival 2017 in London will hold special event of Islam Nusantara Gathering on Friday (21/7). 

The event will preview the harmonious live through existence and values of mosques in Indonesia that can be one of Halal destinations. 

The talkshow will be guided by Deputy Secretary of High Education Comittee Nahdlatul Ulama (LPTNU) Kiai Haji Achmad Sudrajat Salim, CEO of Awakening Worldwide Sharif Hasan Al Banna, and CEO dbrandcom, Islamic Brand Strategist, Ria Renny Christiana. 

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) stated in a press release received by Republika.co.id on Thursday (July 19), the event is an opportunity for travelers, British Muslim communities, schools, universities, medias and honorable invitation to get deeper understanding of Islamic practices and sanctuary places in Indonesia. 

NU up till now is the largest and strongest Islam organization holds the traditions of Islam da'wah. This is proved by the Nahdiyin characters of humbleness and tolerance in dealing with live thats rooted from the 3 main principles, which are tawasut (see things moderately), tasamuh (think in tolerance) and tawazun (act proposionally).

With increasing of terrorism today, the world could learn from NU in Indonesia on what, why, and how Indonesian people remain strong in uphold its traditions of diversity practice. 

With emphasizing of Pancasila as ideology, Indonesian with the full support and direction of Nahdlatul Ulama leaders, has strengthened its role to inspire the Muslim community in the world to live peacefully in harmony. 

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