Senin 06 May 2024 13:12 WIB

Indonesia to Promote Green School Program at 10th World Water Forum

Indonesia was chosen to host the 10th World Water Forum.

Head of Center for Environmental and Forestry Generation Development Sinta Saptarina Soemiarno
Foto: Antara
Head of Center for Environmental and Forestry Generation Development Sinta Saptarina Soemiarno

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will promote Indonesia's efforts to advance environmental education through the Adiwiyata School or Green School program at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali.

"We will showcase to the world that through environmental education, we are also trying to instill empathy or environmentally friendly activities to children at schools," Head of Center for Environmental and Forestry Generation Development Sinta Saptarina Soemiarno stated here on Sunday.

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Schools with the Adiwiyata title are those that have succeeded in carrying out an environmental awareness movement at school.

According to Soemiarno, currently, there are 28,270 Adiwiyata Schools across Indonesia.

"There were only 10 model schools of Adiwiyata School 17 years ago, and they were only in Java Island," she remarked.

However, she noted that despite the presence of several Adiwiyata Schools, the number is still quite small, at only 10 percent, as compared to the total number of schools in Indonesia.

Soemiarno explained that several schools have not become Adiwiyata Schools due to hindrances in terms of school readiness and support from the local government.

To this end, the ministry continues to encourage regional governments to increase the number of Adiwiyata Schools in their respective regions.

"What we are currently doing is awarding regional governments with many Adiwiyata Schools," she remarked.

She further explained that to become an Adiwiyata School, six aspects of environmentally friendly behaviors must be met by schools.

Those aspects are maintaining cleanliness, sanitation, and drainage functions; managing waste using the reduce, reuse, recycle principle; planting and nurturing plants; water conservation; energy conservation; and other environmentally friendly behavioral innovations.

Apart from that, schools are also required to have a curriculum revolving around those six aspects.

Indonesia was chosen to host the 10th World Water Forum, to be held on May 18-25, 2024, during the General Assembly of the World Water Council in Senegal in 2022.

The forum is an international meeting of stakeholders in the water resources sector, such as governments, parliaments, political leaders, multilateral institutions, politicians, academicians, civil society, and business players.

sumber : Antara
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