Rabu 11 May 2016 20:21 WIB

PNA: Israeli measures dragging region toward hatred, fanaticsm

Foto: Daniel Ber On/EPA

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RAMALLAH -- Israeli measures and violations against Palestinians are dragging the entire region towards hatred and fanaticism, Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), Rami Hamdallah, warned Tuesday.

During a conference held in Ramallah on Tuesday to support Jerusalem, Hamdallah reproached the international community's silence towards these measures and violations which occur mainly in Jerusalem.

He summoned the international community to devote increased attention in order to protect Jerusalem and its population from endless Israeli measures and violations.

Palestinians accuse Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing government of escalating its measures in recent months against the city and its Palestinian population.

"We must confront and challenge all illegal Israeli measures in violation of international laws and human rights principles," he said, adding "this would be a proscription in order to end the Israeli occupation."

Palestinians want east Jerusalem which was occupied by Israel in 1967 to be the capital city of their independent Palestinian state, whilst Israelis insist that all of Jerusalem will forever be the capital city of the state of Israel.

"No peace will exist without a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital city. Jerusalem is neither isolated nor forgotten. We own the land with full legitimate rights to the city," said Hamdallah.

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