Rabu 20 Jan 2016 17:54 WIB

Papua more important than Benny Wenda



The Chief of State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Sutiyoso said that his intention to make a tender approach to Benny Wenda as before he did it to the notorious leader the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) Din Minimi whose ended his rebellion and agree to cooperation with the Indonesia government.

Yet, the leader of Papua Freedom and the Spokesman of United Liberation Movement for West Papua, Benny Wenda said that he doesn’t fear to State Intelligence Agency (BIN). Even with sarcastic, these political inmate who has been staying in London, England since 2003 said that The Chief of State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Sutiyoso has been childish, negligent and doesn’t wise to tackle Papua’s problem.

“I don’t afraid with whatever method will be implemented by Indonesian intelligence to me. They can’t stop me to struggle the fundamental rights of Papua’s people to self determination,” said Benny who had escaped when trial process to his convict to strike police station in Abepura.

Benny also criticized Sutiyoso when he had asked by journalist about what method would be implemented by BIN if Benny Wenda rejected a tender approach to persuade him.

Benny Wenda doesn’t the single figure

Essentially talking about Papua integration to Indonesia has finished by national law and international law. Expand and continuing Papua’s problem until now is triggered by internationalization effort by interest group in Papua and outside Papua like Benny Wenda etc who was realized himself and his group " did not get lucky" with the merger of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia.


Meanwhile, continuing Papua’s problem is a possibility “interfere” from some of group which has intention to make unstable in Papua. They did these activities to get economic and politic for themselves.


Actually, solidity among supporting group “Freedom Papua” doesn’t an excellence as their campaign, because “military wing” and “political wing” which is struggling for freedom Papua is weaken, very vulnerable and commutations among them don’t intense happen, even its friction among them. And, more important thing is doesn’t a single figure or central figure in “Freedom Papua” leadership, because among them want to call with “boss”.

According to Victor Yeimo, the head of National Committee for West Papua, OPM has several dominant armed groups such as Moris group, Purin Wenda, and Yambi. All of those group under Goliath Tabuni’s leadership.

According to open sources, Papua’s observer and rumors, TPN OPM itself has broken, at least its a three group of OPM are OPM under Goliath Tabuni which struggled at the mountains in Papua, OPM under Mathias Wenda which struggled at coastal areas of Sorong to Jayapura. Those OPM doesn’t know and they have been rejecting Benny Wenda’s figure, even they have an opinion that Benny Wenda who was exiled in England as a coward, because he had been ran from Abepura penitentiary since 2003.

Prosperous People of Papua

The chief of State Intelligence Agency (BIN) needs to persuade Benny Wenda might be interpreted as a step for solving Papua’s problem with peace, dialogue and civilized as guided by President Jokowi, if Benny Wenda (BW) refused it, its no problem because Benny Wenda doesn’t a central figure or single figure at “Papua struggling”.

Meanwhile, international observer at Galesong Institute, Erlangga Pratama said that Indonesia’s embassy staff in England must be got information about Benny Wenda’s effort to get his asylum status there. If he got that status, it was difficult to nab him even through Interpol. For another OPM’s leader who is agree to surrender, we must take a tender approach to them.

Last but not least, Indonesia might reconsider in the context diplomatic relationship with countries which allegedly have an ambivalent policy related with Papua. To preserve diplomatic relationship with those countries, it is still just a perilous for our national integrity. Eventough actually, English people doesn’t care to the person like Benny Wenda. There are many asylum seekers from around the world in England. The most important is to prevent any contact with the people of Papua in Papua.


Referring to the above opinion, the economic welfare of the people of Papua and manage the abundant natural resources in Papua for the welfare of the people of Papua is far more important than "to persuade" Benny Wenda. If the sago factory, railway construction and infrastructure improvements successfully realized by the government with the support of the people of Papua, then over time the "struggle" Benny Wenda will be futile.

In addition, the actual role of the provincial government and district / city governments in Papua are very large in handling problems OPM this, because who knows of them have a recipe to invite members of the TPN OPM for "down the mountain" and together build Papua, but otherwise do not until there are unscrupulous local government instead "cooperate" with OPM, because it meant they had mortgaged the trust of the people of Papua are entrusted to them as the elections. Hopefully this does not happen. Come on, let’s work for Papua. Bye-bye OPM and Benny Wenda.

*) The writer is a researcher at Democracy and Politics Analysist Institute.

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