Kamis 15 Oct 2015 14:21 WIB

24 people arrested in forest fires cases in South Sumatra

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: LA Times

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG -- South Sumatra Regional Police continued to develop the investigation of forests and land fires cases, so that the main suspect could be identified and arrested.

Task Force Commander of Law Enforcement of Land and Forest Fires of South Sumatra, Sabaruddin Ginting, in Palembang, on Thursday (15/10), said the police had arrested new 24 suspects. In fact, he added, there were some case file that has been transferred to the prosecutor's office to be upgraded.

He confirmed, the police needed more time to find evidences in forest fires cases. The police must cooperate with expert team of environmental crime from North Sumatra.

"We must continue to coordinate the development of such cases which took time," he added.

According to him, finding evidence in land and forest burning cases must be done carefully, so that the experts needed to assist.

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