Rabu 27 May 2015 23:21 WIB

Govt identifies Rohingya refugee needs

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa,
Foto: kemensos
Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa,

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Social Affairs Khofifah Indar Parawansa responded to some of the schools that are ready to accommodate Rohingya, they seemed to be waiting for a decision from the government first, because, at this time the whole Rohingya refugees still in the process of identification.

"On Sunday last week I went to East Aceh, in there they were continued to be identified in each place of refuge," said Khofifah on Tuesday, May 26.

The identification process was done by distributing the form to the coordinator of each refugee. From the form it will be known who the people of Bangladesh that will soon be discharged, and Rohingya to be followed up the aids.

Khofifah was sure in such conditions, they require care in a place that was more conducive.

"We have to separate between the whole of refugees to the specifications of their needs. Especially for children orphaned which no member of their family," said Khofifah.

According to Khofifah, this identification process in addition to separate between Rohingya and Bangladeshi citizens, which is to provide assistance in accordance with the specification requirements for Rohingya people. For example, the parents or the elderly, needed information whether they came with children, wives, grandchildren, or simply alone, while the children also do the same thing.

"I asked the children, where are their parents? Were they died? There are grandparents who participated, aunt or uncle who participated? No,"said Khofifah.

At such conditions, Khofifah say if they are orphans, and without any family members, it should be given a special place that was conducive. As for children who still have family members should still get together with their family members.

Then, after the identification phase was completed, it will be determined where they would live, whether in the ministry of social affairs's orphanage or children's home social protection (RBSA).

"Our orphanage also ready to accommodate them," said Khofifah convince.


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