Kamis 10 Oct 2024 02:25 WIB

The Grand Imam of the Nabawi Mosque Will Visit Ponpes Darunnajah Jakarta

The Great Imam of the Nabawi Mosque has a tour in Indonesia.

The Grand Imam of the Nabawi Mosque Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali Al-Hudhaify during a visit to the Office of the Indonesian Ulema Assembly (MUI), Jakarta, Tuesday (8/10/2024).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
The Grand Imam of the Nabawi Mosque Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali Al-Hudhaify during a visit to the Office of the Indonesian Ulema Assembly (MUI), Jakarta, Tuesday (8/10/2024).

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Grand Imam of the Nabawi Mosque Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali al-Hudhaify will visit Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Darunnajah Jakarta tomorrow, Thursday (10/10/2024). This was conveyed by the head of the Islamic educational institution, KH Sofwan Manaf.

According to him, Ponpes Darunnajah represents the world of boarding schools and Islamic education in Indonesia. The hope is that Sheikh Ahmad in a later visit will be able to see firsthand how the boarding house system works.

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Ponpes Darunnajah now has about 10,000 people queued. They are spread across various levels, from early childhood education (PAUD), kindergarten, primary school, MTs, MA, to college.

The institution also established close cooperation with some of the leading universities in Saudi Arabia. Among these are the Islamic University of Medina and Ummul Quro University in Makkah.

“Through this cooperation, many schools and students from Darunnajah have the opportunity to continue their education in Saudi Arabia, especially in the field of Islamic religious studies,” Kiai Sofwan Manaf said in a statement in Jakarta, Wednesday (9/10/2024).

He said Sheikh Ahmad's visit was in line with Saudi Arabia's grand vision of expanding Islamic da'wah globally. The government's approach is inclusive and moderate.

Kiai Sofwan explained that Indonesia, as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, became a strategic partner for Saudi Arabia in spreading the values of moderation and tolerance. The Saudi vision also relates to Muslims around the world.

“Through the network of boarding schools and universities such as Darunnajah, it is hoped to strengthen moderate Islamic teachings that are able to answer the challenges of the times and modernization,” he said.

Sofwan stated that Ponpes Darunnajah as the host claimed to be ready to accept the arrival of the Grand Imam of the Nabawi Mosque.

“Darunnajah will be very open to suggestions from the Grand Imam of the Nabawi Mosque regarding the latest and also modern approaches in the values of Islamic moderation and sustainable Islamic education,” he said.

Sofwan hopes that the presence of the High Imam of the Nabawi Mosque can motivate the santri and boarding school administrators to continue to commit themselves in the practice of Islamic teachings and to play an active role in society.

“His arrival is expected to bring blessings and inspiration to Muslims in Indonesia, especially in an effort to strengthen Islamic education relevant to the development of the times and based on the values of moderation and balance espoused by the Nabawi Mosque,” he said.

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