Ahad 01 Feb 2015 18:00 WIB

PKS faction proposes revision of regional head election law

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Faction in the House of Representatives (DPR) will propose revision of the regional head election law to improve its weaknesses that cause it difficult to implement.

"The PKS Faction will propose the revision of the law which still has weaknesses. The matter should be done to make the direct regional head election law implementable," Jazuli Juwaini, the PKS Faction chief, said here over the weekend.

Juwaini made the remarks in a press conference after the third working meeting of PKS faction in the 2014-2019 period.

In the meeting, he said, the PKS Faction agreed to revise several points of the law on regional head elections.

The weaknesses in the law included the serving period of an acting official which is too long, the absence of partner of a candidate, the winning threshold, the dispute settlement, unclear organizers and public review which only functions as formalities so far.

He said that PKS will propose to shorten the serving period of an acting official in order not to disturb the regional administration performance and the central government's bureaucracy.

For the candidates, they should compete with a partner with a clear division of labor to avoid conflict of responsibility.

The PKS faction will propose that the winning threshold will enable the election to be run in one round only so that it will be more efficient.

On dispute settlement, the PKS will suggest that the provincial level dispute should be handled by the Supreme Court (MA) and district level dispute should be taken to the high court.

The PKS is still conducting studies on the election organizers, he said.'

Juwaini also suggested that the point on public review should be scrapped because it has so far served only as formalities and wasted time.

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