Ahad 14 Sep 2014 05:00 WIB

Kerry says Egypt of frontline in fight againts 'terrorism'

John Kerry
Foto: Alastair Grant/AP
John Kerry

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- US Secretary of State John Kerry said Egypt was on the frontline of fighting "terrorism" as he sought Cairo's support for a coalition against Islamic State jihadists.

"Egypt is on the frontline of the fight against terrorism, particularly when it comes to fighting extremist groups in Sinai," Kerry told a press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri.

Ties between the traditional allies soured last year after the army overthrew elected Islamist president Mohamed Morsi and cracked down on his supporters. Washington suspend some military aid, but it has since been restored.

Kerry said he and his government support Egypt's campaign against the Sinai militants, who have killed scores of policemen and soldiers.

"That is why in an effort to support, we announced last month the delivery" of Apache helicopters, he said.

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