Rabu 23 Jul 2014 11:21 WIB

John Kerry to Jokowi: We have a lot in common values

John Kerry
Foto: Reuters/Yuri Gripas
John Kerry

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- US Secretary of State John Kerry congratulates the elected Indonesian President Joko Widodo, a day after the KPU (General Elections Commission) announced the vote tabulation results of the 2014 presidential election on Tuesday.

"I congratulated the elected president of Indonesia Joko Widodo," Kerry said in a press statement from the United States Embassy in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The Secretary of State said that Indonesian people are reunited in demonstrating their commitment to the democratic process through free and fair elections.

As the second and third largest democracy, the United States and Indonesia has set an example to the world, Kerry added.

"We have a lot in common values, including respect for human rights and the rule of law," said Kerry.

Both nations have worked hard to build a US-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership, which has strengthened bilateral ties, to be able to face a common challenge in both the regional and global level.

The United States is looking forward to working with the elected President Joko Widodo to increase bilateral partnerships, promoting the ideals of our shared global, as well as developing relationships between people of both countries.

The General Election Commission in Jakarta have stated that the running Presidential candidate pair Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla as the elected President and Vice President for 2014-2019.

The commission has set that the winning candidates for Indonesian president and vice president in the 2014 election is Joko Widodo and Muhammad Jusuf Kalla pair, with the total vote of 70,997,833 or 53.15 percent of the total valid votes.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono becomes the first to congratulate the newly elected president and vice president Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Jusuf Kalla (JK).

sumber : Antara

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