Rabu 26 Mar 2014 23:32 WIB

TNI confirmed member lent gun to friend for attacking party

Ilustrasi: pistol
Ilustrasi: pistol

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The military (TNI) had confirmed that its member chief private Heri had lent his gun to Rasyidin and Umar to attack the National Democrats Party (Nasdem)'s office in North Aceh, recently.

"Based on the results of the investigation on Rasyidin alias Mario, Umar and chief private Heri, we concluded that the gun used by Rasyidin belonged to chief private Heri (SS-2V1)," army spokesman Brigadier General Andika Perkasa said here on Wednesday.

He added that chief private Heri was Rasyidin's old friend and so he could not refuse when Rasyidin asked to borrow the gun.

Andika said army chief of staff General Budiman had asked the TNI military police to judicially process chief private Heri and send him to jail. He would later be fired.

The Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command in Aceh had deployed a team to investigate the involvement of a TNI member in the attack on the Nasdem Party office in Kunyet Mulee village in the sub-district of Matang Kuli, North Aceh.

The team had been formed because a TNI member had allegedly been involved in the attack, the command's spokesman Col. Subagio Irianto said.

The investigation follows the national police chief General Sutarman's statement that the gun used in the attack belonged to a TNI member.

Sutarman said the alleged soldier involved in the attack was chief private Heri from the Batalion 111, who was assigned for VVIP security at Exxon Mobile in North Aceh.

Subagio noted that the team from the command's military police had questioned chief private Heri and five of his friends who were part of 10 soldiers assigned as security personnel at the vital post.

"All the guns held by the soldiers were confiscated for the investigation," he said.

Six soldiers have been questioned and will be taken to the Military Police in Banda Aceh (provincial capital) for further investigation, while four others are still awaiting questioning by the military police at Lhokseumawe.

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