Sabtu 22 Mar 2014 22:16 WIB

Megawati reveals reasons for choosing 'skinny' Jokowi

Chairwoman of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Megawati, delivers her speech during a campaign in Badung, Bali, on Saturday.
Foto: Antara/Nyoman Budhiana
Chairwoman of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Megawati, delivers her speech during a campaign in Badung, Bali, on Saturday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BADUNG - The general chairperson of the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Megawati Soekarnoputri, has revealed her reason for choosing Joko Widodo (popular as Jokowi) as the party's presidential candidate.

"The reason I choose Jokowi to receive the mandate to run for president is because he is not only popular, but also he works hard, is sincere, committed and humble," she said in her speech at an election campaign rally in Badung, Bali, on Saturday.

She added that she had monitored him and his style of leadership since he was the mayor of Solo, and later governor of Jakarta. She said Jokowi was a hard worker and had worked sincerely for the people and his region, and was humble and genuine in his behavior, she said.

The former president, meanwhile, expressed optimism that Indonesia could become a great country, in view of its human, as well as natural resources. She said it was not easy to become an Indonesian leader because "a leader is not only a president, but also a figure who has a conscience, can provide protection, is just and honest. That is what I am looking for."

"Although he is skinny, he is actually strong like a bull, and that one is Jokowi," she said, half jokingly.

She said she once asked him if he would be willing to be a president. He answered, "If you assign me, I am ready. I am just a party worker." 

sumber : Antara

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