Jumat 09 Aug 2013 00:29 WIB

Intelligence: Same group behind shooting attacks on Indonesian police

Chief of Indonesian National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Marciano Norman (file photo)
Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf
Chief of Indonesian National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Marciano Norman (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Marciano Norman has said there were strong indications that the recent attacks on police personnel and a prison worker were made by members of one and the same group.

"It is becoming increasingly clear that people belonging to, or having links with, the same group are responsible for these attacks," he stated on Thursday, when asked to comment on the shooting incidents.

Marciano said the shootings of police officers in Jakarta and a prison worker in Yogyakarta in central Java also indicated that the threats issued against security personnel had really been carried out.

"They are looking for weak targets. The first two victims were shot from behind. The last one was also shot the same way," he noted.

Marciano pointed out that the incidents were a warning to all security apparatus, including the military, the police and prison guards, not to let up on vigilance. 

"There must be no more victims," he said, adding that BIN supported the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) in its efforts to continue its investigation.

Marciano called on the public to cooperate with the police in preventing terrorist groups from carrying out their activities. He stated that the groups were trying to make their presence felt through their actions.

Earlier, on Wednesday, First Adjunct Inspector Dwiatno was shot dead by an unknown assailant in Ciputat, Tangeran Selatan, at around 5 am. On the same day, a worker at Wirogunan prison was also shot by an unidentified person. Prior to these incidents, Second Adjunct Inspector Patah Saktiyono was shot by two unknown motorcyclists at 4.30 am on Saturday morning in Ciputat.


sumber : Antara
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