Selasa 28 May 2013 21:52 WIB

Washington Post: Chinese hackers access major weapons systems

A US soldier stands guard near a US Patriot missile system at a Turkish military base in Gaziantep February 5, 2013. (file document)
Foto: Reuters/Osman Orsal
A US soldier stands guard near a US Patriot missile system at a Turkish military base in Gaziantep February 5, 2013. (file document)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON/CANBERRA - Chinese hackers have gained access to designs of more than two dozen major US weapons systems, a US report said on Monday, as Australian media said Chinese hackers had stolen the blueprints for Australia's new spy headquarters.

Citing a report prepared for the Defense Department by the Defense Science Board, the Washington Post said the compromised US designs included those for combat aircraft and ships, as well as missile defenses vital for Europe, Asia and the Gulf. Among the weapons listed in the report were the advanced Patriot missile system, the Navy's Aegis ballistic missile defense systems, the F/A-18 fighter jet, the V-22 Osprey, the Black Hawk helicopter and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The report did not specify the extent or time of the cyber-thefts or indicate if they involved computer networks of the US government, contractors or subcontractors. But the espionage would give China knowledge that could be exploited in a conflict, such as the ability to knock out communications and corrupting data, the Post said. It also could speed China's development of its defense technology.

In a report to Congress this month, the Pentagon said China was using espionage to modernize its military and its hacking was a serious concern. It said the US government had been the target of hacking that appeared to be "attributable directly to the Chinese government and military." China dismissed the report as groundless.


Australian security blunder

In Australia, a news report said hackers linked to China stole the floor plans of a 630 AUD million headquarters for the Australia Security Intelligence Organization, the country's domestic spy agency. The attack through the computers of a construction contractor exposed not only building layouts, but also the location of communication and computer networks, it said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, asked about the Australian report, said China disapproved of hacking. "China pays high attention to the cyber security issue and is firmly opposed to all forms of hacker attacks," Hong said at a daily briefing.

"Since it is very difficult to find out the origin of hacker attacks, it is very difficult to find out who carried out such attacks," Hong said. "I don't know what the evidence is for media to make such kinds of reports."



sumber : Reuters
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