Selasa 14 Feb 2012 19:35 WIB

The OC boosts Islamic banking’s performance

Rep: Nur Aini/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
An officer (left) provides banking service in a BRI Syariah office branch in Jakarta. The Islamic bank commits to provide its service in at least 76 branches of BRI, the commercial bank. (photo file).
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
An officer (left) provides banking service in a BRI Syariah office branch in Jakarta. The Islamic bank commits to provide its service in at least 76 branches of BRI, the commercial bank. (photo file).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The transactions of Islamic banking products through main commercial banking –known as office channeling (OC)- is believed can boost the performance of Islamic banking. However, the regulation has not supported the office channeling (OC) as its implementation still depends on each bank’s policy.

According to Micro Banking Group Head BRI Syariah, Sigit Suryawan, if commercial bank implements the dual banking system, the acceleration of Islamic bank will speed up. “The financial regulation does not push the OC system yet,” Suryawan said on Monday.

The high number of commercial banking branches is potential to help costumer who seek Islamic banking services. However, only few Islamic banks have taken the advantage of it. “The OC exists, but it depends on each bank’s policy. If the service of Islamic banking is integrated with commercial banking, I believe the amount of transaction will be massive,” he added.

Although the services are integrated, Suryawan guarantees that their businesses are separated each other. “Accounting system and Islamic Supervisor Council (DPS) should be strengthened,” he said.

This year, BRI Syariah will operate the OC effectively through Syariah Service Office (KLS) in BRI branches. At least 76 BRI branches will provide BRI Syariah financial facility. 

Bank DKI Syariah will follow suit after studying the significant growth due to OC system. “We have implemented OC. The contribution is very good,” the Chief Director of Bank DKI, Eko Budiwiyono, said.

The bank will improve its networking in 2012, at least to 50 service units. Bank DKI Syariah will also study the additional products, such as gold pawn.

The head of Indonesian Islamic Bank Association (Asbisindo) A Riawan Amin said, government must push the dual banking system. The main commercial bank which is higher in amount should be open Islamic banking service to accelerate the growth of Islamic banking industry. 

While commercial bank branches as many as 15.000 offices, the number Islamic bank unit is only around 1.600 branches. “The government need to encourage the 15.000 commercial banks to apply the OC system. Instead, they more focus on spinning off which needs bigger fund,” Amin said.

The discourse of Islamic bank merger to become BUMN may not automatically increase the growth of Islamic financial. Amin believes converting state own bank (BUMN) into Islamic bank will boost the growth of Islamic banking. “I’m afraid, the merger of Islamic bank from BUMN will create new problem”. 

An expert on Islamic economy, Wahyu Dwi Agung, said, dual banking system would boost the segment of Islamic bank market up to 20 percent. “We already have dual banking system. The government should facilitate it,” Agung said.

Although the growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia ia good enough, he says, its market share of 5 percent is a big challenge to all stake holders. 





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