Ahad 22 Dec 2024 19:25 WIB

Yogyakarta, Bali, and Bandung: Top Three End of Year Travel Destinations

Populix found an increase in domestic tourists planning a vacation to Yogya.

Rep: Gumanti Awaliyah/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Tourists throng the Malioboro Pedesterian Trail, Yogyakarta. According to the survey, Yogyakarta is one of the favorite end-of-year tourist destinations.
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan Hidayat
Tourists throng the Malioboro Pedesterian Trail, Yogyakarta. According to the survey, Yogyakarta is one of the favorite end-of-year tourist destinations.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Year-end holiday flows are predicted to start rising in the last week of December 2024, and peak in the first week of January 2025. The findings were revealed by Populix in a report entitled “Understanding The 2024 Year-End Holidays” that examined the responses of more than 1,000 people, predominantly young single and middle to upper middle employees.

Populix also found an increase in domestic tourists planning to take a vacation to Yogyakarta. This finding is in line with the report of the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office, which revealed that the number of visits in October 2024 alone has reached 8.7 million tourists.

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“This figure jumped from the previous estimate of only 5 million visits,” VP of Research Populix, Indah Tanip, in a written statement, was quoted as saying on Sunday (22/12/2024).

In addition to Gudeg City, which will be visited by 33 percent of respondents, the top five regions that will be destinations for domestic tourists later this year are Bali (23 percent), Bandung (22 percent), Malang (14 percent), and last, Bogor (10 percent).

As for overseas destinations, despite a trend decline of about 5 percent from the previous year, 17 percent of respondents still chose the Japanese Country. It is followed by Singapore (14 percent) South Korea (12 percent), Malaysia (10 percent), and Thailand (7 percent).

In addition, at the moment of the end of the year vacation this time, the majority of travelers tend to spend less time than in the previous year. According to Populix's findings, 19 percent of respondents plan to start vacationing in the third week of December. The number of respondents going on holiday in the fourth week of December doubled to 38 percent.

It then peaked in the first week of January with 42 percent of respondents. Holiday trends at the beginning of this year saw an increase of about 9 percent over the previous year.

According to Indah, one of the factors influencing this change in trend is the position of the Christmas and New Year holidays that fall in the middle of the week. “Therefore, some workers still have to work on December 27 and 30, which ultimately encourages them to start taking vacation at the beginning of the year,” Indah said.

In this year people also tend to spend a shorter vacation time, which is less than a week. Some 39 per cent of respondents said they would be on holiday for four to seven days, a figure 9 percent lower than the previous year's 48 percent. In contrast, respondents who wanted to take a vacation of 3 days or less instead experienced an increase of about 8 percent to 39 percent.

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