Kamis 26 Jan 2017 04:02 WIB

Even if there is embryo of PKI, it will be detected: M Iriawan

Rep: Muhyiddin, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Inspector General M Iriawan, said Habib Rizieq statement regarding the communist revival was a trumped up.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Inspector General M Iriawan, said Habib Rizieq statement regarding the communist revival was a trumped up.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Inspector General M Iriawan, turned down the statement of the Grand Imam of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib M Rizieq Shihab, who remind the police that there was an indication of the revival of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). 

According to Iriawan, the information given by Habib Rizieq was a trumped up.  "The domain is difficult to answer because the fact is, there is no (PKI). There is no PKI in the world," said Iriawan to reporters on Tuesday (January 24).

Iriawan said it was impossible that the PKI could revive because the government had suppressed it more than 50 years ago. Therefore, he said, the society has nothing to worry about. "How can the Communist party revive, even if there is PKI, even only the embryo, it will be detected. It was a made-up (issue) as the money (case). The system has been existed for long time since 2001,” said the former provincial police chief of West Java.

Iriawan questioned why Rizieq just raised the PKI issue at this time. "So, why did he raise it now?" said Iriawan.

Also read: I was summoned for giving warning for the awakening of PKI: Habib Rizieq

Related to the case where Rizieq made a statement about the new banknotes which bearing the ‘hammer and sickle’ (communist) symbol, Iriawan ensured that the banknotes did not contain the hammer and sickle symbol.  "It was already proven by the testimony of expert witness from Bank Indonesia ," he said.

As known, after joining the examination on the case of 'hammer and sickle' at the Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters on Monday (23/1), Rizieq asked the police and the public to be vigilant in the revival of PKI. He said there was an indication which has already existed, among them with a new currency containing the hammer and sickle symbol. 

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