Kamis 11 Oct 2012 22:35 WIB

An abandoned megalithic site found in Malang

Stones in Ketawanggede site.
Foto: Antara
Stones in Ketawanggede site.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG - A historian and archaeologist from Malang University, Dwi Cahyono has claimed to have discovered the existence of Ketawanggede, an archaeological site from the megalithic era. But he has blamed the local branch of McDonald`s for neglecting its importance in the Dinoyo area, Malang in East Java. 

"I was discreetly looking for the site after reading an ancient history book stating that the Ketawanggede site was located in the Dinoyo area. After searching through most places in Dinoyo, I accidentally came across a cupola-shaped building in a parking site behind a McDonald`s building, which I recognized as the Ketawanggede site," Cahyono said on Thursday. 

"As I entered the site area of 25 square meters, I found and observed some strokes of writings contained within the site. It turns out that the site has been around since megalithic area," he added. 

Cahyono described the site and some artifacts contained in the site like pieces of a temple roof, stone blocks, poles and some "Yonis" without "Linggas". Yoni is a cubical artifact with a square hole in the middle and is the symbol of female genitalia, while the Lingga is the symbol of male genitalia. 

Furthermore, Cahyono claimed that the site was actually discovered two years ago but the local McDonald`s was not to report it to the Department of Tourism and Culture in Malang. "That`s why it has not been registered at the Archaeological Heritage Conservation Centre in Malang," he stated. 

According to Cahyono, the Ketawanggede site was a platform where the Hindus worshipped Lord Shiva. "Considering its location, which is at the crossroads of the Brantas and Metro River, I believe the site was once a center of civilizations," he explained. 

He also expressed belief that there are more ancient relics around the Ketawanggede site and asked the government to conduct an excavation to find those relics. "And I think the Ketawanggede site must not be located behind the restaurant building. It is supposed to be in front of the building, so people are aware of the existence of a valuable archaeological site in the region," he argued. 

The archaeologist also referred to Law No. 11 of 2010 about cultural heritage, which states that there should not be any buildings around a cultural heritage site. "The fact that the site located in the parking area of a restaurant is bizarre," he said. 

Meanwhile, Chief of Public Relation of Malang local government, Sapto P. Santoso said that the Ketawanggede site has ever been investigated by the Department of Tourism and Culture of Malang. "However, the site has not been moved to the museum since the McDonald`s management said that they would take care of the site," Santoso said.






sumber : Antara
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