Selasa 27 Jun 2017 15:00 WIB

ISIS is now targeting police: Observer

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnels guard the surrounding area of North Sumatra police headquarters following an attack to the police, Sunday (June 25).
Foto: Antara/Irsan Mulyadi
Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnels guard the surrounding area of North Sumatra police headquarters following an attack to the police, Sunday (June 25).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Attacks to police station were the pattern and character of Jamaah Anshar Daulah (JAD) which linked to ISIS. The group was now targeting police as massive arrests and killings to the terror network left wounds and revenge.

"Basically, now the police have been the target of terror groups. One of their jihads is to fight the police institution,” said an observer of intelligence Diyauddin to on Tuesday (June 27).

By those pattern and character, police should raise their alertness and to increase the operation to manage the terror. It might be done by arresting and revealing the terrorist network in more massive operation.

Also read: Police believe attackers member of ISIS network

"Now the position is face to face between National Police and terrorist group. There is no way but increasing the operation to fight the terrorist groups,” he said.

Cross-institution intelligent operation should be strengthened. Sharing intelligence information was argued as important to give early warning of immediate attack to police members. Diyauddin added that the terror groups would not only use bomb. It might be anything like crashing cars or anything that can be used as weapon.

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