REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of the Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati reminds people to be aware of the potential flooding that may occur on the North Coast (Pantura) of Java during the Lebaran homecoming stream 2025. BMKG also reminded of the potential for heavy rain in the homecoming period.
“Potential flooding can occur on beaches in Indonesia, for example, the North coast of Java is feared for flooding, so this also needs to be vigilant. We have reported to the Ministry of Transportation, the transport service, and the police, so as not to disrupt the homecoming flow, there are mitigation measures taken,” he said after a Ministerial Meeting at the Office of the Coordinator of the Ministry of Human and Cultural Development (Kemenko PMK), Jakarta, Thursday (27/3/2025).
He also mentioned that tropical cyclone Courtney seeds were detected in the Indian Ocean, west of Australia, and 93S tropical cyclone seeds in parts of West Nusa Tenggara, North Maluku, West Papua, and Southwest Papua. Those tropical silon seedlings can cause high ocean waves to heavy rains.
“The first is high sea waves in the Indian Ocean region starting from South Sumatra, a little to Bengkulu, Lampung, Sunda Strait, then South Banten to all of Java to Nusa Tenggara. Those whose waves are high on the beaches of East Nusa Tenggara, continue to reach Papua, also on the Pacific Ocean coast, which is north of Papua as well as in Halmahera or in North Maluku,” he said.
Dwikorita explained that the impact of waves up to 2.5 meters high can occur in the ocean next to the waters west of Bengkulu, south of East Java, to the Indian Ocean along the south of Bali. While high waves up to four meters can occur in the Indian Ocean west of Bengkulu to waters west of Lampung, western Sunda strait, waters south of Banten to Central Java, and in the Indian Ocean south of Java.
“Then there is also rain, as there is an impact of tropical cyclone 96W that is predicted in the next 24 hours to move away from the Indonesian region, but it can impact rain with moderate to heavy intensity, especially in the regions of Papua, South West Papua, West Papua, and North Maluku,” he said.