REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) is able to sustain the pace of the Combined Stock Price Index or IHSG. Not to mention, BSI's ability to support IHSG is in line with high market value growth with annual or year-on-year share price growth reaching 30 percent.
“The share price of BRIS crypto issuers has skyrocketed, pushing the company's market cap to exceed Rp 131.47 trillion on March 13, 2024. With the highest share price growth compared to other sharia banks, namely 63.8 percent during the year to date, the increase in Indonesian shares makes BSI one of the companies that actively contribute to the stock exchange and drive IHSG Indonesia,” Tiko said while giving a speech at the BSI International Expo 2024 event at JCC Senayan Jakarta, Thursday (20/6/2024) afternoon.
In its third year, BSI was also able to show impressive performance including being included in the Top 10 Global Islamic Bank. Today, BSI has always been committed to being an inclusive and modern sharia bank, serving all customer segments from micro businesses, SMEs, retail, to corporations.
Wamen added that in terms of financial performance, BSI is the only Sharia Bank in the Top 5 Banks in Indonesia with total assets reaching Rp 353.4 trillion and net profit in 2023 reaching Rp 5.7 trillion. BSI is also the largest zakat contributor in Indonesia, amounting to Rp 222 Billion in 2023 and is targeted to continue increasing every year.
In terms of expansion, BSI has opened an operational branch in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and is currently in the process of opening a branch in Saudi Arabia and continues to develop the potential of the Islamic ecosystem, especially from Hajj and Umrah businesses. In addition, since the merger, BSI has served more than 20 million adding up to more than 6 million. This figure makes BSI the bank with the fifth largest number of customers in Indonesia and Syariah Bank with the largest customers in the world.
Wamen also said that the presence of BSI International Expo 2024 is a tangible manifestation of BSI's support for the development of the Islamic Ecosystem in the country as a whole. Through this event, BSI represents MSMEs to be actively involved in exploring international markets where we present dozens of friendly countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, United Kingdom, South Korea, Qatar, Japan, and Malaysia as potential buyers of UMIM Indonesia products. He will also encourage this event to take place every year.
“The Ministry of state-owned enterprises together with BSI is fully committed to encouraging Indonesia to build capacity and capability, to become a major player and producer in the global halal value chain, so that Indonesia by leveraging the second largest Muslim advantage can become the center of the world halal industry,” he said.
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