Senin 13 May 2024 22:37 WIB

Bank Syariah Indonesia Strengthens Hajj and Umrah Ecosystem

BSI will increase 83 percent of Hajj pilgrims 2024.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Prospective Hajj pilgrims from Sukabumi made cash exchange transactions at the BSI Service Counter in Haji Hostel Bekasi, West Java, Sunday (12/5/2024).
Foto: Dok Republika
Prospective Hajj pilgrims from Sukabumi made cash exchange transactions at the BSI Service Counter in Haji Hostel Bekasi, West Java, Sunday (12/5/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) will recruit 83 percent of Hajj pilgrims in 2024 or about 178,770 thousand of the approximately 213 thousand regular Hajj pilgrims from Indonesia. Gradually, pilgrims began to be flown to the Holy Land on May 12, 2024 through 14 embarkations throughout Indonesia and will last until June 10, 2024.

BSI Sales & Distribution Director Anton Sukarna said that in order to maintain a sustainable performance, Anton said that the company is always committed to strengthening the Hajj and Umrah ecosystem. One of them is that pilgrims who save in BSI will get the convenience of paying off the Hajj in realtime without having to go to the bank through BSI Mobile.

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In providing ease of Hajj services to remote areas and expanding access to services to rural communities, BSI presents solutions with Hajj savings deposit facility and repayment through BSI Agen to 94 thousand BSI agency partners across Indonesia. Business owners can register as BSI Agents in all BSI outlets, to participate in providing sharia banking services according to the terms of the good practice service. BSI also provides the exchange of banknotes or cash for Saudi riyals at BSI outlets at competitive exchange rates.

“BSI continues to enhance the Islamic ecosystem through Hajj and Umrah. Currently, BSI cooperates with more than 1,800 Hajj and Umrah travelers who are ready to serve Hajj ONH plus. Then, BSI also continues to improve Hajj literacy early on through cooperation with more than 360 thousand Islamic schools, 73 thousand boarding schools, 51 thousand mosques,” Anton said.

Currently BSI outlets are most numerous among other sharia banks and also facilities from starting departure to Hajj homecoming are well prepared. Hajj pilgrims who register through BSI will receive manasik services at embarkations in cities and districts, mabrur debit card facility with free facility of three cash withdrawals per month in Saudi Arabia, cashback shopping at merchants in Saudi Arabia with minimum purchases of IDR 10 million, to currency exchange services at hajj embarkation.

This year, BSI expects management of Hajj savings to reach 5.9 million accounts. Meanwhile, the number of Hajj registrants who saved at BSI until March 2024 reached 3.6 million worshippers. That number is about 64 percent of Indonesia's total regular hajj waiting list worshippers. This means that BSI plays an important role to provide the best services for prospective Indonesian hajj pilgrims.

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