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Imsak : 04:33
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Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24

MUI Secretary General Urges Public to Boycott of Israeli Product

MUI also prohibits any form of support for Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

Let's boycott Israeli products and pro-Israel affiliates.
DBS Let's boycott Israeli products and pro-Israel affiliates.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Assembly (Wasekjen MUI), Ikhsan Abdullah called on the public, especially Muslims to remain active in boycotting the products and all affiliated to support Israel. The move was a form of struggle to help Gazans, Palestinians, who suffered great suffering as a result of Israeli military genocide.

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“The socialization of the boycott movement of Israeli products and Israeli-affiliated products should not be slackened, it must be continuously promoted,” Ikhsan said in Jakarta, Thursday (18/1/2024)

According to Ikhsan, MUI has until recently been active in encouraging people to avoid using Israeli-affiliated global products. “It was part of the implementation of the fatwa in support of the Palestinian struggle,” he said at the event of the National Silaturahmi of the Islamic Ormas and Majelis-Assemblies of Religion in the Declaration of the Peaceful Election of Peoples of the Cross Islamic and Cross Religious Organizations at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (16/1/2024).

In November 2023, the MU issued Fatwa No. 83 of 2023 on the Law of Support to the Palestinian Struggle. The fatwa states that it is mandatory for Muslims to help the Palestinian struggle for independence, including through donations, zakat, infak, or alms.

At the same time, MUI also prohibits all forms of activity and support for Israeli aggression on Palestinians. The MUI recommends Muslims “as much as possible avoid transactions and use of products affiliated with Israel as well as those that support colonization and Zionism”.

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Ikhsan said the boycott calls prompted many to abandon the various output products of multinational companies affiliated with Israel or were found to be supporting Israel's genocide over Gaza. Among the many boycotted by citizens in various regions is the international brand that opened branches in Indonesia.

Some of the brand listings are known to be owned by foreign companies that have a track record of supporting the Israeli economy through various investments. Among them there are also those who support with direct funding to Israel's war machines.

According to Ikhsan, the boycott movement, which has become a global phenomenon, has spawned significant changes in society, including a stronger preference for local products. “It's something encouraging, local products are able to take over Israeli-affiliated brand-brand positions,” he said.

Israel's relentless assault on the Gaza and Palestinian territories over the past 100 days has spawned genocides that have jolted the world's public consciousness. In addition to the devastating destruction of the Gaza Strip, more than 23,700 Palestinians were killed, of which 12,300 were children.

The genocide emboldened South Africa and a number of countries in the world, dragging Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). According to Ikhsan, MUI supports the bold initiative and hopes the court can stop the genocide in Gaza.

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