Sabtu 06 Jan 2024 23:50 WIB

Indonesia Airplane Server Reported Zero Accident During Year End Long Holiday

AP I served 3.2 million passengers during Nataru 2024.

Officer checks tickets of prospective plane passengers at Domestic Terminal I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Badung, Bali, Tuesday (2/1/2024). Bali Airport managers predict that it will serve 69,436 passengers on domestic and international routes during the peak of the New Year holiday turnover on Tuesday (2/1).
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Fikri Yusuf
Officer checks tickets of prospective plane passengers at Domestic Terminal I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Badung, Bali, Tuesday (2/1/2024). Bali Airport managers predict that it will serve 69,436 passengers on domestic and international routes during the peak of the New Year holiday turnover on Tuesday (2/1).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Angkasa Pura I (AP I) reported zero accident during Christmas and New Year 2024 Holiday, as it serves as many as 3,221,880 passenger movements and 23,649 aircraft movements at 15 airports.

Christmas and New Year posts at 15 airports have been in operation since December 19, 2023 and officially closed on January 3, 2024.

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AP I MMA President Director Indah Preastuty said that the organization of the 2023 Christmas and New Year 2024 posts generally went smoothly, evidenced by the safe, comfortable and safe flight and airport operations.

“The growth in the number of traffic during the Christmas and New Year post compared to the previous year and record zero accidents at 15 airports during the Christmas and New Year post operations are two very encouraging things,” Indah said in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday (6/1/2023).

AP I noted that the number of passenger movements at 15 airports in Christmas Post 2023 and New Year 2024 grew by 15 percent compared to the number of passenger movements in Christmas Post 2022 and New Year 2023 of 2,880,952 passenger movements.

AP I also recorded a growth in the number of aircraft movements, which amounted to 4 percent compared to the previous Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 records of 22,661 movements.

Indah also appreciated all stakeholders involved, including airlines, ground handling, and agencies involved in the daily operations of Christmas and New Year's Post, namely the Airport Authority Office, AirNav Indonesia, BMKG, TNI, Police, Basarnas, Port Health Office, and other agencies.

During the Christmas and New Year's Day operations, AP I also reported Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport to be the AP I airport serving the highest traffic, namely with 1,064,430 passenger movements and 6,283 aircraft movements.

In second place, Surabaya Juanda Airport with 631,279 passenger movements and 4,110 aircraft movements, and Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in third with 438,704 passenger movements and 3,217 aircraft movements.

For the peak Christmas holiday return flow 2023, AP I recorded occurred on December 23, 2023 (H-2) with a total of 249,530 passenger movements served and the peak Christmas holiday return flow 2023 occurred on December 26, 2023 (H+1) with a total of 209,328 passenger movements served at 15 AP I airports.

Meanwhile, the peak of the return flow for the New Year holidays 2024 occurred on December 30, 2023 (H-2) with 197,544 passenger movements and the peak of the return flow of the New Year holidays 2024 occurred on January 2, 2024 (H+1) with 211,071 passenger movements served.

During the Christmas and New Year period, AP I also noted that 922 extra flights were served. The airports with the most extra flights are Bali I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport with 385 flights, Surabaya Juanda Airport with 139 flights, and Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar with 74 flights.

sumber : Antara
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