REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Commerce Zulkifli Hasan stated that the domestic industry could no longer be threatened even if Tiktok Shop reopened. That is because, he said, there is now Regulation of the Minister of Commerce (Permendag) No. 31 of 2023 on Licensing of Attempts, Advertising, Training, and Supervision of Entrepreneurs In Trading Through Electronic Systems.
“What do we arrange? One, the (imported) goods that will be sold, if it is food must have a retail permit, if it is beauty must have permission from BPOM, if it is electronic there must be after-sales service and SNI (Indonesian National Standard),” Zulkifli said at Tokopedia Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/12/2023).
Food imports, he added, must also be halal certified. So, according to him, it is no longer possible to sell directly to consumers.
Even cross border sales, Zulkifli said, can no longer be done. That's because, all incoming imported goods have to go through Customs.
Meanwhile, there are some goods from abroad that can enter the country directly without having to go through customs. This item, he said, is called a positive list. There are four types of positive lists including books, movies, software, and music.
“The others can't be bought directly,” he stressed.
Through this rule, Zulkifli continued, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) can take the opportunity to enter the digital ecosystem. For him, at the moment it is not enough if MSMEs have only offline stores.
By getting into e-commerce or online stores, explains Zulkifli, the MSME market is wider. It can even export or promote abroad without having to bring goods or open a store in another country.
“This is the ecosystem we are building, e-commerce benefits the domestic industry. Make the most of it,” he said.
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