Selasa 07 Nov 2023 15:05 WIB

Indonesian Ulema Donates IDR 25 Billion for Palestine

Some of the donations were raised by MUI from the last pro-Palestine rally.

Rep: Mabruroh/ Red: Hasanul Rizqa
The Indonesian Ulema Assembly (MUI) handed over the fundraising of humanitarian aid for the 5/11 Palestine Peace Action in Monas, to Baznas RI, at MUI Pusat office, Jakarta, Monday (6/11/2023).
Foto: Republika/ Mabruroh
The Indonesian Ulema Assembly (MUI) handed over the fundraising of humanitarian aid for the 5/11 Palestine Peace Action in Monas, to Baznas RI, at MUI Pusat office, Jakarta, Monday (6/11/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Alms Agency (Baznas) has received a donation of IDR 25 billion from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) for the Palestinian people. The handover of humanitarian funds for Palestine was made at the MUI Office in Jakarta on Monday (6/11/2023).

MUI Secretary General Amirsyah Tambangan said that the IDR 25 billion fund was a fundraising effort made by MUI. A total of IDR 23 billion from the fund was previously for the establishment of the Indonesian Hospital (Rumah Sakit Indonesia) in the city of Hebron, Palestine. Meanwhile, the IDR 2 billion fund was raised by MUI through the pro-Palestine rally in Jakarta on last Sunday (5/11/2023).

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According to Amirsyah, his rank entrusted the mandate of the Indonesians to help the Palestinians through Baznas. This is because Baznas strives for the aid to actually be sent through an official means to reach Gaza.

“Since we do not want this distribution to be caught with unwanted things, we want the channel to be right, and the target is also right, then we can also be accountable to the public because this money on behalf of the people of Indonesia,” Amirsyah said.

MUI General Treasurer Misbahul Ulum said the donations raised by MUI in a solidarity act for Palestine on last Sunday are still being calculated. However, he assumed, quick calculations alone showed that the funds raised up to IDR 2 billion.

“Through yesterday's event, thank God, the counting is not finished, but may be there are IDR 2 billion," Misbah said.

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