REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The defendant in the series of bombing case in Thamrin, the Church of Oikumene in Samarinda, and Kampung Melayu, Aman Abdurrahman alias Oman Rachman was sentenced to death. South Jakarta District Court judge read out the verdict on Friday (June 22).
Presiding judge Ahmad Zaini stated the defendant Aman Abdurrahman has committed a criminal act of terrorism. "Sentencing the defendant Aman Abdurrahman with the death penalty," said Zaini in the South Jakarta District Court building.
Hearing the verdict, Aman who was in the defendant's chair, did prostration of gratitude. The security apparatus was immediately covered his act. This treatment was protested by the media crew.
The verdict was in accordance with the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU). Aman assessed proven to violate Article 14 juncto Article 6 of Lieu of Law Number 1 Year 2002 which has been changed into Law Number 15 Year 2003 on Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism as the first primary indictment.
Then, the second primary indictment, Aman considered violating Article 14 juncto Article 7 of Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2002 which has been established into Law Number 15 Year 2003 on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism.

Under a thight security, the defendant in terrorism case Aman Abdurrahman (right) attends the trial to hear the verdict at South Jakarta District Court, Friday (June 22).
Previously, on the agenda of his conviction readings, Aman denied any allegations of his involvement with such acts of terrorism. Aman also denied a violent attack on police officers in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara and police officers in Medan, North Sumatra.
Aman stated that he only teached the concept of caliphate. He denied teaching his pupil to take action to detonate a bomb.
During the trial, the police prepared 450 personnel, including snipers. Security was divided into four layers of security outside the South Jakarta District Court in the courtroom. In addition, police also placed a number of snipers outside the courthouse.
"We are putting snipers to watch the movements from outside," said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Police Commissioner Indra Jafar in Jakarta, Friday, June 22.
Indra said the sniper troops complemented the armed forces stationed around the South Jakarta District Court. He said that police officers assisted by security guards in court examined all court visitors.