Selasa 05 Jun 2018 19:47 WIB

No Indonesian among victims of Fuego volcano's eruption

On Monday (June 4), the Fuego Volcano in Guatemala had erupted.

Mount Fuego erupts in Guatemala on Monday (June 4).
Foto: cnn
Mount Fuego erupts in Guatemala on Monday (June 4).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian government confirmed on Tuesday that there were no Indonesian nationals among the victims of the Fuego Volcano's eruption in Guatemala. On Monday (June 4), the Fuego Volcano in Guatemala had erupted.

"No Indonesian nationals were reported as casualties," the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted on Tuesday.

Reuters reported on Tuesday that the death toll from a volcanic eruption in Guatemala rose to 69. Guatemala's national disaster agency, CONRED, increased the death toll, as more bodies were pulled out of the debris around the village of El Rodeo, which was hit hard by the eruption.

Family members desperately searched for the missing in makeshift morgues and on streets blanketed with ash.

Fuego Volcano's eruption was said to be the biggest in more than four decades, forcing the closure of Guatemala's main international airport and dumping ash on thousands of acres of coffee farms on the volcano's slopes.

The Indonesian Embassy in Mexico City has also issued a travel advisory following the eruption of Fuego Volcano.

Indonesians are advised to postpone their visit to Guatemala and encouraged to take necessary steps to ensure safety.

Indonesians in need of assistance can contact the Indonesian Embassy in Mexico City through hotline numbers +52 (1) 55 6298 5506; +52 (1) 6298 5506; Whatsapp: +52 (1) 55 6298 5506; and email: or

Moreover, the Indonesian Honorary Consul in Guatemala Jorge Eduardo Briz Abularach has set up communication lines +502 24172700 ext. 401, 54120553 and email: and

sumber : Antara
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