Kamis 13 Mar 2025 15:38 WIB

As Global Food Crisis Looms, President Prabowo Pushes to Maintain Rice Surplus

National rice production by April 2025 is guaranteed to be in surplus.

Rep: Frederikus Dominggus Bata / Red: Lida Puspaningtyas
Farmers harvest rice in paddy fields, (illustration). The government reiterated its commitment to keeping national agricultural production in surplus amid a food crisis engulfing a number of countries.
Farmers harvest rice in paddy fields, (illustration). The government reiterated its commitment to keeping national agricultural production in surplus amid a food crisis engulfing a number of countries.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Prabowo Subianto received a report from Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Sudaryono, on food security and price stability of basic necessities at Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, on Wednesday (12/3/2025). During the meeting, the government reiterated its commitment to keep national agricultural production in surplus amid a food crisis engulfing a number of countries.

In his remarks to the media crew after the meeting, Sudaryono explained that national rice production until April 2025 is certain to be in surplus compared to the previous year, which is about 2.8 to 3 million tons. President Prabowo also called for this positive trend to be maintained.

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“That's why this is asking to be maintained in the midst of other countries it is again difficult, there is again distress, there is rice trouble yes, there is Malaysia, then there is the Philippines, including Japan and again the rice crisis,” Sudaryono said, in an official statement, quoted Thursday (13/3/2025).

Furthermore, the meeting also discussed efforts to increase production in the long term. The government aims to prevent Indonesia from having to import rice by keeping the annual surplus in the range of 5-6 million tons.

“Our production every year is about 30 million yes, 30 commas yes, 30 commas, 31 commas. Well, we want, if we want to really not import rice, then there must be a surplus of at least 5-6 million in a year,” Sudaryono said.

To ensure increased production, the government stressed the importance of accelerating agricultural processes. Farmers are expected to replant immediately after harvest so that in one year they can harvest up to three times.

“Once the harvest must be immediately harvested, immediately sold, and the land immediately cultivated. The pause between the harvest and the cultivation of the land can not be long,” said a person familiar with this Mas Dar.

In addition to production, the meeting also discussed the role of Merah Putih Village Cooperative in distributing agricultural products and providing farmers needs, including fertilizers, pesticides, and foodstuffs at affordable prices. While related to the relatively high price of rice in the ASEAN region, Sudaryono said that the government will optimize market operations and cut the distribution chain to reduce prices for consumers without harming farmers.

“We want a Merah Putih Village Cooperative movement, then we also carry out market operations with post offices, we also with Bulog we are more empowered than ever. That's the goal is to cut the distribution chain,” Sudaryono said.

“Well if the distribution chain is cut, so that no one makes a profit in every post, then we expect the price to be good, in the consumer it is good, for the producers it is also good,” he said.

The government will also crack down decisively on fraudulent practices in the distribution of staples, including in the case of cooking oil under discussion. Sudaryono revealed that several companies had been reported to the police.

“The president's message is that there should be no more people dancing above interests, dancing above the suffering of the people. Don't just want to profit for a moment, then the people who sacrifice a lot,” he said.

With the various measures that have been decided in this meeting, the government is optimistic it can maintain national food security. The government also ensures the prices of basic necessities remain affordable for people.

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