Rabu 04 Apr 2018 07:25 WIB

Audit board reveals 4,430 findings in 2nd semester of 2017

The findings have been reported to the House of Representatives.

BPK Chairman Moermahadi Soerja DjanegarBPK Chairman Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara reports audit results to House of Representatives in Parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Tuesday (April 3).
Foto: Antara/Hafidz Mubarak A
BPK Chairman Moermahadi Soerja DjanegarBPK Chairman Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara reports audit results to House of Representatives in Parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Tuesday (April 3).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The State Audit Board (BPK) has found 4,430 cases in its auditing in the second semester of 2017. The BPK included the 4,430 findings in its 2017 Second Semester Report (IHPS II) to the House of Representatives (DPR) on Tuesday.

The report contained the summaries of the 449 Auditing Result Report (LHP), which included 6 (one percent) LHPs on finance, 239 LHPs (53 percent) on performance, and 204 LHPs (46 percent) on certain purposes.

"Based on the results of the auditing, BPK has revealed 4,430 cases, comprising of 5,852 problems," BPK Chairman Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Also read: BPK finds non compliance in import management, procedure

Of the 5,852 problems, some 1,082 (19 percent) were on weaknesses in internal built-control system; 1,950 (33 percent) were on non-compliance of regulations, worth Rp10.56 trillion; and 2,820 (48 percent) were on non-frugality, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness, worth Rp2.67 trillion.

Of the 1,950 issues of non-compliance; 1,452 (74 percent), worth Rp10.56 trillion, consisted of 840 (58 percent) problems, resulting in state losses worth Rp1.46 trillion; 253 (17 percent) problems on potential state losses, worth Rp5.04 trillion; and 359 (25 percent) problems regarding receipt shortfall, valued at Rp4.06 trillion.

sumber : Antara
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