Selasa 20 Feb 2018 09:08 WIB

Indonesian internet users reach over 143 million people

Java is still the highest with internet users' concentration of 58.08 percent.

APJII secretary general Henri Kasyfi Soemartono
Foto: dok. APJII
APJII secretary general Henri Kasyfi Soemartono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Penetration of Indonesian internet users in 2017 reached 143.26 million people or 54.68 percent, an increase compared to 132.7 million people in 2016, a survey conducted by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) revealed. APJII secretary general Henri Kasyfi Soemartono predicted the number will continue to increase. "Next year APJII will provide the live data through big data," Henri said in a statement received by Antara on Monday.

Java is still the highest with internet users' concentration of 58.08 percent, followed by Sumatra with 19.09 percent, Kalimantan 7.97 percent, Sulawesi 6.73 percent, Bali-West Nusa Tenggara-East Nusa Tenggara 5.63 percent and Maluku-Papua 2.49 percent.

Internet users are dominated by the young people age 13-18 years of 75.5 percent. For gender, female users are 48.57 percent and men 51.43 percent.

The survey involving 2500 respondents and conducted in six major regions of Indonesia, namely Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa and Maluku-Papua, shows that higher education affects internet penetration.

"(Internet) penetration is also influenced by economic level, the higher the economic strata the higher the penetration. For the A social class economy the penetration reaches 93.1 percent," Soemartono said.

Gadget is the most widely used device to access the internet of 44.16 percent, followed by a computer or laptop of 4.49 percent and people who use both as much as 39.28 percent.

A number of things need to be considered related to the survey results, Soemartono continued, as people still do not maximize the use of internet in the health sector, for example for consultation with health experts.

In addition, the new economic field utilized as much as 16.83 percent of online buying. Utilization of local applications is still small, as many as 56.79 percent of internet users mentioned rarely using local applications.

sumber : Antara
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