Rabu 07 Feb 2018 14:01 WIB

LPPOM MUI comments on viral Breadtalk video

Two rats were seen loitered around Breadtalk kitchen.

Rep: Novita Intan, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Breadtalk products.
Foto: Breadtalk
Breadtalk products.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Singapore-based bakery chain Breadtalk again has shocked many people due to the video that went viral recently. In the video that recorded at one of its outlets, two rats were seen loitered around the kitchen.

Many people disappointed with Breadtalk following the finding. As one of food products, this brand is considered to not provide a guarantee for consumers and less concerned with the interest of them.

The Director of Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulema (LPPOM MUI), Lukmanul Hakim said the incident proved the importance of requiring halal certification in any product. Moreover, in accordance with the regulated in the criteria of halal assurance system (SJH) LPPOM MUI, every business actor must ensure the absence of cross-contamination with unlawful / unclean materials / products. This is a violation of the law.

"So far, Breadtalk still does not have halal certification yet," Lukman said on Tuesday (Feb 6).

According to him, enterpreneurs must first register their products to LPPOM MUI in order to have halal certification. This step is important in accordance with Law No. 33/ 2014 on Halal Certified Guarantee (JPH) which was enacted in October 2014.

Based on Article 21 JPH Law, ocation, place and tool of the Halal Product Process as required must be kept clean and hygienic, free of unclean and free from non-halal materials. However, he asked public no need to trust the videos that spreaded in cyberspace directly.

"People should confirm first and don't believe directly with the videos which went viral," Lukman added.

Meanwhile, Breadtalk management has not respond to Republika.co.id about the viral video.

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