Kamis 28 Jul 2016 16:20 WIB

Nine corpses of Indonesians drowned in Johor repatriated

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Umarul Faruq

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- As many as nine Indonesians who are victims of sinking ship in the waters of Johor, Malaysia, have been identified. Now,  all of corpses in the process of repatriation to their homelands.

Previously, dead bodies of Trisha Manulang or Maya, a woman from Medan, North Sumatra first repatriated. Following four other corpses, namely Yolanda Alinda Seran, a woman from Kupang and her baby named Yolan A. Then Ernawati, a woman from Belawan, Medan and Rusida woman from Sumenep Baru, and Sakmah, the man from East Lombok.

Next, the bodies have been identified and now in the process of repatriation are Modekkir, the man from Pemekasan, East Java. Last Salim and Farida as husband and wife from Sumenep, East Java.

The sinking ship was carrying about 60 Indonesian citizens.

Reportedly, the ship departed from Johor to Batam, Riau Islands. The victims were on board that are known return illegally. A total of 15 people were reported killed in this incident.

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