Rabu 01 Jun 2016 22:22 WIB

Traffic police consolidate in preparation for Ramadan homecoming in 2016

Rep: MGROL70/Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Abriawan Abhe

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Traffic Corps (Korlantas)of Indonesian Police consolidate with number of related agencies and stakeholders in order to prepare for the current Ramadan homecoming 2016.

"The travelers flow of this annual event is to involved other related agencies to be more synergistic," said Chief of Korlantas Indonesian Police Headquarters Inspector General of Police Agung Budi Marwoto in Jakarta, Tuesday (31/5).

Agung said Traffic Corps Police Headquarters need to finalize the preparation of the current homecoming routes, which involve the coordination of other institutions.

Agung led the Coordination Meeting about homecoming in 2016 which took place in Brebes, Central Java on Tuesday (31/5).

The coordination meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Public Works, Police, Central Java and West Java Police and the Police of the five provinces in Java Island.

He confirmed across sectoral agree optimize supervise to reduce congestion, and traffic accidents during Ramadhan homecoming 2016.

"All officers need to understand the function and responsibility when an accident or a traffic jam happen,”  Agung added. Agung said President Joko Widodo's mandate no public transport accidents and traffic congestion is need the preparation, as well as the synergy between agencies.

Court also had to monitor multiple locations that will become points in causing traffic problems.

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