Senin 07 Mar 2016 18:46 WIB

OIC urged to offer concrete support to Palestine's independence

Fadli Zon
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
Fadli Zon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia's Deputy Speaker Fadli Zon has urged the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to contribute by offering concrete support to Palestine to gain its independence.

"As a forum of cooperation among Islamic countries in the world, the OIC has a strategic role in offering a stronger push to speed up the process for the Palestinian independence," Zon commented on the ongoing Fifth Extraordinary Summit of the OIC on Palestine and Al Quds Al Sharif (Jerusalem), here, Monday.

The lawmaker expressed support to the OIC Summit's agenda on the struggle for Palestine's independence.

The OIC must continue the struggle until Palestine gains its independence as the grouping was established in response to the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, he stated.

He hoped that a Resolution and Jakarta Declaration to be issued at the conclusion of the summit would produce concrete actions to liberate Palestine.

The OIC Summit's results should strengthen the Declaration on Palestine issued during the Asia-Africa Conference (KAA) held in Jakarta in April 2015.

Although Indonesia is not an Islamic country, it is a democratic nation having the world's largest Muslim population, he pointed out.

"Now, Palestine has the Indonesia Hospital, which was built with the assistance of the Indonesian people. Hopefully, after the OIC summit, there would be other concrete contributions from the OIC member countries, in addition to issuing a resolution and declaration.

The politician from Great Indonesian Movement (Gerindra) Party also lauded the Indonesian government's stance of being consistent in supporting Palestine to gain its independence.

President Joko Widodo chaired the summit, which is being held on March 6-7.

Over 500 delegates from 49 member countries of the OIC, two observer countries, five representatives of the UN Security Council's permanent members, and a UN special envoy to the Quarter on the Middle East are attending the summit.

The extraordinary meeting is themed "United for A Just Solution."

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