Selasa 23 Feb 2016 20:40 WIB

President inaugurates BPJS Board of Directors

Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of the healthcare and employment Social Security Agency (BPJS) for the 2016-2021 period at the State Palace here on Tuesday.

The BPJS Board of Directors for employment inaugurated by the president were Agus Susanto as president director, and six other directors: M. Krishna Syarif, Evi Afiatin, Enda Ilyas Lubis, Amran Nasution, Sumarjono, and Naufal Mahfudz.

The directors of the BPJS Supervisory Board for employment are Guntur Witjaksono as the chairman and six other members: Syafri Adnan Baharuddin, Eko Darwanto, Rekson Silaban, M. Aditya Warman, Indra D. Hasman, and Poempida Hidayatullah.

Kemal Iman Santosa, Bayu Wahyudi, Maya Amiary Rusady, Andi Wahyuningsih Attas, Andayani Budi Lestari, Mira Anggraini, Mundiharmo, Wahyudi Bagenda, Usman Sumantri, Endrowahyono Sucahyono, Fachmi, Toga Sialagan, Jenni Wihartini, Fajriadnur, Tono Rustiono, and Kisworowati were the BPJS Board of Directors for health who were inaugurated by the president.

Present at the inauguration ceremony were Coordinating Minister for Culture and Human Development Puan Maharani, Health Minister Nila F. Moeloek, Manpower Minister Hanif Dakiri, Financial Service Authority (OJK) Commissioner Muliaman Hadad, People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Chairman Hiayat Nurwahid, and Deputy Finance Minister Mardiasmo, among others.

sumber : Antara
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