Sabtu 14 Nov 2015 06:20 WIB

Controversy over title of national hero for Soeharto

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Seroang pelukis melukis wajah Presiden RI ke-2 Soeharto.
Foto: EPA/Weda

By: Fira Nursya'bani 


Susianah added, until the end of his life, Soeharto never be responsible for political and legal human rights violations that he did. This hurted many people, hence the government  needs to be rethought if they want to make Soeharto as a national hero.

Another reason of public rejection of proposal of Suharto's national hero title was also because he was recorded as the most corrupt leader in the world. It was stated in a special coverage of Global Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative, the United Nations in 2005 and in Transparency International research in 2004. "This country was full with culture of corruption in Soeharto reign," she explained. So that, he said, it would be a shame if the international world mocks Indonesia because of nomination of national hero to Soeharto.

Meanwhile, Minister of Social, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, stated that the awarding of national hero title for Soeharto just need to wait for presidential decree. She revealed that the nomimation would be given in the right time.

According to Khofifah, Central Title Research and Assessment Team (TP2GP) had submitted results of assessment on Soeharto and also Abdurahman Wahid (Gus Dur) to the Council of Title. She said there was no more discussion in the Council of Title related to the assessment. "Both were agreed by the Council, but the launch still needs to be postponed until the right time," said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Monday (9/11) ago.

She explained, the proposal of giving the title of national hero to the president was carried out through Council of Title. There were several process before submission, namely verification, research and studies through seminars, discussion and workshop.

Moreover, this year, Khofifah added, the title of national hero was given to five prominent figures. They were Muhammad Yasin and Mas Isman (East Java), Ki Bagus Hadikusumo (Yogyakarta), I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung (Bali), and Bernard Wilhelm Lapian (North Sulawesi). With the addition of five names, Indonesia now has 168 national heroes. They came from various regions in Indonesia, from Aceh to Papua.

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