Rabu 09 Sep 2015 22:21 WIB

Indonesia as most vulnerable country to climate change

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: reuters

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) noted that Indonesia has became the most vulnerable country to climate change in Asia. Even vulnerability of Surabaya ranks third in the country.

The UNEP study results were presented by Rector of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Prof Ir Joni Hermana MScEs PhD, while being a speaker in "Seminar on Climate Change" held by Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI), in cooperation with ITS, in Surabaya, Tuesday (8/9).

"The vulnerability includes possibility of a disaster, sensitivity of population to climate change, and extent of our readiness to face it," said Joni, Tuesday (8/9).

In fact, he found it interesting, based on research he conducted with his team for 13 years, there was no direct correlation between human activities with an increase in temperature of the earth. The human activities includes the use of energy, the use of transportation, and agricultural activities.

"The increase in temperature of the earth's surface are caused by global climate change," he said.

Therefore, high adaptability to the phenomenon of climate change is required. Either it is caused by anthropogenic activities or global climate change, in fact, the surface temperature of the earth's is increasingly heated.

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