Rabu 15 Jul 2015 02:06 WIB

General Gatot's tough task to resolve TNI-Police conflict

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
General Gatot Nurmantyo
Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf
General Gatot Nurmantyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Commission I Member of House of Representative (DPR) Sukamta said, the conflict between the national military (TNI) and police happened again. This time the assault of the National Police’s Mobile Brigade (Brimob)’s headquarters allegedly committed by aviator personnel of Army (AD) in Semarang.

According to him, the incident showed that the elected TNI commander Gatot Nurmantyo have a tough task in hand. "This incident is quite unfortunate because it keeps recurring, internal conflicts become great homework for Mr. Gatot Nurmantyo as the elected TNI commander," he said, on Tuesday, July 14.

He stated, Indonesia challenge ahead was quite heavy. The potential for asymmetric warfare, not to mention a proxy war. Everything has the potential to threaten the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"To face the difficult challenges, TNI must be strong, the military doctrine of Tri Dharma Eka Karsa have a unity spirit between dimension which exist, Army (AD), Navy (AL) and Air Force (AU)," said the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician.

The three of them, Sukamta explained, united in defending and maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. But how could they could carry out the mandate if on the internal TNI itself has not been unified.

TNI commander, he said, must immediately intervene to mediate conflicts between Brimob and the aviator personnel of Army (AD). Do not let the proxy war which has been wary during this time, in fact became was targeting the military.

"It could be because there are outside forces those designs that TNI continue to be on conflict. It could be troublesome if it's true," said Sukamta.

Hence, he added, in order to strengthen the internalization of the military doctrine in order to be able to withstand the enemy infiltration that could trigger a proxy attack. Also strengthening the discipline enforcement systems in the unit. Supposedly the superior officers above two levels have to responsible and improve the coaching system.

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