Ahad 31 May 2015 20:16 WIB

College students from Padang organize solidarity action to help Rohingya

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Irsan Mulyadi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- A total of 500 college students from 17 universities in capital city of West Sumatera, Padang, held solidarity action of Rohingya’s fate. The students from Gathering Forum of Campus Propagation Institute (FSLDK) also compiled funds to alleviate the suffering of Rohingya etnic.

"We took to the streets to voice concerns to the Rohingya who suffered human tragedy in Myanmar," said Chairman of the FSLDK, Mohammad Sadri in Padang, on Sunday, May 31.

He continued, in this solidarity action, FSLDK asked the Indonesian government to act firmly against Rohingya tragedy. In addition, FSLDK urged the Indonesian government to provide a place and adequate support to the Rohingya refugees whom were currently in Aceh and parts of North Sumatera.

According to Sadri, one of the important steps that must be given the Indonesian government was physical and mental recovery. "The Rohingya, must be nurtured in order to recover (physical and mental) to carry out a better life," he said.

He said, in this solidarity action, FSLDK also urged to the people of Padang to give donation to help the Rohingya. Donations that have been collected will be distributed to relevant institutions, such as the institution of zakat, so it will be immediately given to the Rohingya.

Meanwhile, the government of North Aceh District, Aceh Province, has set up a new shelter for the hundreds of Rohingya, in Building Training Center, Kuta Makmur Regency, on Saturday, May 30. The parties which will do infrastructure in the new shelters are social foundations Fast Response Action (ACT) and the International of Migration (IOM).

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