Senin 18 May 2015 15:00 WIB

Strengthening Indonesia’s UKM with ‘digitalism’

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: alarabiya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The rapid development of technology in Indonesia, it makes most of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Indonesia should follow the development with digital strategy.

According to Managing Director of Digital Enterprise Tower Anthony Leong, there are not many UKM in Indonesia which apply digital concepts to their businesses.

"There are still many UKM subject in Indonesia who do not go to online strategy. The reason could be they are too focused to run their business," he said in a press release received by Republika on Sunday, May 17.

Although, according to the young entrepreneur, by going online, businessmen could easily double its revenues. Anthony added, UKM are the biggest employer contributor to the economy in Indonesia. Therefore, the director of PT Mulia Bestari Media vows to educate the theme of "digitalism".

"We will hold intense events, forum or workshop with the theme of digital, and in there, many UKM could find out how the right strategy for UKM to be able to use the online platform to get the opportunity," said the alumnus of the University of Indonesia.

In the near future, Anthony said it would launch a local businesses program of ‘go online’ which is intended as a platform for UKM using online media as part of their business.

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