Kamis 30 Apr 2015 19:22 WIB

Indonesia eyes South Korean furniture market

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Prayogi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia is eyeing South Korea furniture market, which currently exports furniture to this State of Ginseng in 2014 amounted to 51.434 million US dollars.

"We have the potential; its market (South Korea) came to us. The chances are pretty big," said Director of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, Agustina Srie, after attending the seminar 'Product Development Workshop for Indonesian Furniture Manufactures', in Jakarta, Thursday (30/4 ).

Srie as Daily Executive (Plh) of Director General of National Export Development, said that, currently, one of the problems faced by Indonesian furniture exporters to enter the South Korean market is related to the design of its products.

"The problems are just about designs; the design must be adapted to the Korean consumer demand. Because furniture products exported to other countries are not necessarily acceptable in Korea," he said.

He explained that entrepreneurs in the country are expected to capture these opportunities and understand how trends in demand from Korean consumers and of no less importance are also related to the quality of the product.

According Srie, on the seminar, the South Korea would explain anything that have to be considered by the domestic furniture entrepreneurs to be able to penetrate into the country, including there are some buyers who follow the seminar.

"Buyers are also coming, they will give employees information about anything is needed by the Korean market," he said.

Srie added, the design of the producers must be adapted to Korea consumer demand, where the majority of the population lives in apartments and requiring furniture with simple and minimalist design.

"(Furniture exports) could increase by 100 percent in 2-3 years, by improving the quality and standards, hopefully it will be a success," he said.

South Korea is one of the country's main export destinations for Indonesian products that already have an agreement in the form of a scheme of ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (FTA).

Based on data from the Ministry of Trade, fluctuations in the value of Indonesian non-oil exports over the past five years ranged from 6.87 billion dollars in 2010 and became 5.72 billion US dollars in 2014 to 5.73 percent downward trend.

Until February 2015, Indonesia's export value has reached 901.8 million US dollars. Especially for furniture products, the value of Indonesia's exports to South Korea in 2010-2014 increased by 10.95 percent.

In 2010, the value of Indonesia's furniture exports to Korea reached a value of 31.997 million US dollars, while in 2014 increased to 51.434 million US dollars.

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