Rabu 22 Apr 2015 21:47 WIB

Debate on extremism kicks off at UN HQ


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- A UN General Assembly (GA) debate on promoting tolerance kicked off on Tuesday at UN headquarters in New York to discuss practical strategies to foster inclusive societies and counter extremism.

The debate, which came amid the spread of extremism and radicalism, is to offer a chance to look at the roots of the problem and stress prevention, said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon while addressing the debate.

Ban called on member states to consider how their actions can create breeding grounds for extremism, especially factors at play in the Middle East.

"The formula for disaster is clear: when insecurity and frustration are fueled by leaders who exploit identity politics or by outside interference, the result is mistrust and sectarian hatred that can explode into violence," he said.

Ban also said in situations of conflict, core values including peace, justice and human dignity must be renovated so as to reject extremist ideologies.

The debate has gathered government officials and faith leaders across the world and is scheduled to last two days till April 22.

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