Sabtu 07 Feb 2015 19:00 WIB

Maritime coordinating ministry to establish 100 technology parks

Indroyono Soesilo
Indroyono Soesilo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANTUL -- Maritime Coordinating Minister Indroyono Soesilo said his Ministry will establish 100 Science-Techno Parks in several cities and districts across Indonesia.

"There are three requirements for the Science-Techno Park program to succeed: they are the people's willingness, the regional administration's support, and the availability of scientists who will implement the technology for the people," Indroyono stated here on Friday.

The Ministry will build the technology parks in districts or cities and will select 100 areas from 500 cities or districts for the purpose.

"All the 100 techno-parks must become operational after they have been built. This cannot be a commercial project. The techno-areas shouldn't remain idle after their establishment," the Minister noted.

The air turbine energy and solar cell development on New Pandansimo Beach in Bantul, Yogyakarta Province, reflect the science techno-park concept, the Minister pointed out.

"The technology area in Pandansimo has integrated air turbine to utilize water for hatched fishery and as water source for ice culinary. The Bantul area will be one of the 100 areas to be developed," Indroyono remarked.

In order to build a science-techno park, a local administration will need at least Rp1-10 billion depending on the technology requirements and supporting facilities of the park.

sumber : Antara

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